Stage fright can happen to anyone, including seasoned professionals with extensive experience on stage. Feeling nervous or experiencing stage fright before performing in front of a large audience is a normal occurrence.

Understanding Stage Fright
According to the Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), “gugup” means to act or speak in a restless state; stuttering; very hurried; confusedStage fright refers to the nervousness or fear linked with presenting in front of a crowd.
When experiencing stage fright, it inevitably disrupts our performance in front of the public. Stage fright doesn’t only affect public speakers; it can also occur in other professions such as athletes. Athletes’ concerns typically revolve around their performance if it falls short of spectators’ or fans’ expectations.
Grameds can find ways to overcome stage fright along with tips on how to appear more confident.
Characteristics of Stage Fright
Characteristics of someone who is nervous include a flushed face, trembling voice and body, rapid heartbeat, sweating, stomach pain, dizziness, and shorter breaths.
These occurrences stem from the body’s natural response where adrenaline levels are heightened when an individual feels threatened. Although nervousness or stage fright doesn’t pose a physical threat, it can cause someone to suddenly blank out mentally when in front of an audience.
Avoiding stage fright and building self-confidence is easy, fun, and of course can be learned, as discussed in the book “Confidence is Practiced” with a dynamic and visually attractive design!
Stage fright or nervousness can be overcome. The indications of stage fright differ from one individual to another. There are several causes and ways to overcome stage fright when performing in front of a large audience. What are they?
Causes of Stage Fright
1. Lack of rest
Lack of rest, especially insufficient sleep, can be one of the health issues. Apart from eating, rest is also one of the essential needs that the body must fulfill. Especially in times of pandemic like this, the body requires sufficient rest to maintain its immune system. Sleeping 7-8 hours per day can restore energy and make your body more energetic.
2. Lack of excessive self-confidence
Excessive lack of confidence or feeling insecure is very detrimental. It will make it difficult for you to progress, think critically, and be dynamic. Believe in your abilities and continue to explore the potential within yourself.
3. Do not eat
Try to eat before attending the event. Because if the event is delayed, we won’t experience hunger at the event location, which can reduce our focus.
Avoid overeating, which can make you feel drowsy or even cause stomach pain. It can disrupt your performance when on stage.
4. depending on social media.
Consuming too much social media, especially during a pandemic like this, can also lower your immune system. Read positive content on social media to increase your knowledge and boost your immune system.
Avoid consuming negative content, check and recheck content before sharing it. Don’t become a victim of fake news or even a perpetrator of fake news. It can harm yourself and others.
5. Reading too much bad news
Consuming excessive bad news will certainly make you more anxious. Intense and continuous anxiety can affect physical health. Avoid excessively reading bad news.
The most efficient method for conquering stage fright.
One of the most effective ways to overcome stage fright is through adequate practice and preparation before performing in front of an audience.
1. Prepare Everything Carefully
For those of you who are accustomed to or are performing in front of the public for the first time, it is essential to thoroughly prepare everything to minimize feelings of nervousness. It’s crucial to master the material or topic that will be discussed or presented.
Ensure that your performance, presentation materials, interviews, or other activities are ready and well-mastered so that you don’t need to study again at the event venue. Ensuring this preparation can be done through extensive research, writing potential audience questions and answers, and of course, don’t forget to practice.
2. Calm Body & Mind
To overcome stage fright, you can calm your body before going on stage or before performing. Easing tension from your body can calm your voice and mind.
Continuously rehearse your lines, and if you make a mistake on stage, don’t panic. Make the mistake appear as if it’s part of the act. Before going on stage or performing, you can stretch your legs, arms, back, and shoulders.
3. Expand Insights
You can expand your knowledge by reading books, articles, magazines, and current news. The more you master what you will present, the more confident your audience will be in what you convey. The broader your knowledge about various topics, the more discussion material you can relate to and discuss in front of the audience.
4. Practice Often
If you’re a beginner who will be performing in front of an audience, practice as often as possible. It’s even better if you’re accompanied by someone who is accustomed to speaking in public so they can guide you through your shortcomings.
5. Master the Material
When you have to speak in front of an audience, preparing the material you will present is crucial. As much as possible, you should master the topic you will discuss, or you can address topics that are most favored.
6. Always confident
When preparing for a performance before going on stage, feelings of nervousness or fear of making mistakes often arise. To overcome this, you must believe in your own abilities. Use your strengths as encouragement, knowing that they are what make others want to invite you.