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Building Credibility and Authority as a Public Speaker – Successful public speakers are not only able to convey messages clearly and convincingly, but also have strong credibility and authority in the eyes of the audience. Credibility and authority are necessary foundations for influencing, inspiring, and motivating others. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of building credibility and authority as a public speaker, as well as concrete steps you can take to achieve this.

Building Credibility as a Public Speaker :

Credibility, as a key element to the success of a public speaker, is the foundation of the trust and reliability that the audience places in the speaker. When a speaker has strong credibility, the message conveyed becomes more convincing and has a greater influence. Without credibility, even the most powerful message will lose its appeal and fail to influence its audience. To build credibility as a public speaker, there are several steps you can take, starting from deepening your knowledge about the topic you are going to convey to showing high ethos through behavior and integrity in public speaking.

1.Mastering the material :

being presented is a fundamental aspect of effective public speaking. Before stepping onto the stage, it is imperative to invest time and effort in thoroughly understanding the subject matter. This entails conducting meticulous research, delving into various sources, and acquiring a comprehensive grasp of the topic at hand. Moreover, it is essential to express concepts in a clear and coherent manner. By possessing a deep understanding of the material, speakers can confidently navigate through their presentations, addressing complex concepts with ease and coherence.

2. Provide Strong Evidence and References :

credibility hinges upon the provision of strong evidence and references to substantiate one’s arguments. By incorporating reliable sources, empirical data, and relevant case studies into their discourse, speakers can bolster their credibility and foster trust among their audience members. These evidential supports serve to validate the speaker’s assertions and lend credibility to their message, thereby enhancing their persuasive impact.

3. Demonstrate High Ethos :

demonstrating high ethos is essential for building credibility as a public speaker. Ethos, defined as one’s moral character or reputation, plays a pivotal role in shaping audience perceptions. Speakers who exemplify integrity, honesty, and strong values are more likely to garner trust and respect from their listeners.

4. Use appropriate body language :

the use of appropriate body language is crucial in conveying confidence and competence to the audience. Nonverbal cues such as a confident appearance, consistent eye contact, and upright posture contribute significantly to the overall impression of the speaker. By projecting confidence through their body language, speakers can instill a sense of assurance in their audience, reinforcing their credibility and authority on the subject matter.

Building Authority as a Public Speaker

Authority is the trust and prominence given to a speaker in a particular field. To establish your authority as a public speaker, you can take the following steps :

1. Specialization in a Specific Field :

Becoming an authority requires a deep understanding of a particular topic. Focus your energy and time on becoming an expert in your field of interest, whether through formal education, work experience, or independent research.

2. Share Knowledge through Relevant Content :

Building authority also involves sharing your knowledge and insights with others. Create informative and relevant content, such as articles, blogs, or videos, that can strengthen your position as an expert in the field.

3. Be Open to Questions and Discussion :

Authority is not just about having extensive knowledge, but also about the ability to communicate effectively with others. Being open to questions, input, and discussion can help strengthen your authority as a public speaker.

4. Be an inspiration and role model :

Authority is not just about knowledge, but also about the positive influence you have on others. Be a role model in your attitudes, behavior and achievements, so that others can see you as a source of inspiration and motivation.


Building credibility and authority as a public speaker is not an instant process, but requires commitment, hard work and patience. By mastering the material presented, showing a high level of ethos, specializing in a particular field, and sharing knowledge through relevant content, you can strengthen your position as a speaker who is trusted and respected by the audience. Remember that credibility and authority are not given for free, but must be earned and maintained through consistent actions and behavior.

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